The Savvy Sitter

Here are the Facts on Pet Insurance You Should Know

According to the American Pet Products Association, the total expense of veterinary care reached $18.11 billion in 2018. Clearly, medical care for pets is expensive. But you love your pet and can’t stand the thought of being unable to afford treatment. Does this mean you should get pet insurance?
To help you make that decision, this article is going to explain how pet insurance works and how to choose the best plan.

Pet Safety During Christmas Season

Image: dog and owner in front of Christmas tree.

Christmas is a joyous occasion, but if you aren’t careful the foods and
decorations of the holiday season can be dangerous for your pet.
Learn how to prevent disaster by reading this article.

These Thanksgiving Foods Are Dangerous for Pets

Thanksgiving is a fun-filled holiday centered around rich foods. Unfortunately, most of these foods are not safe for your pet to eat. Keep reading to learn what animals can and can’t have on Thanksgiving Day.

How to Keep Your Pet Safe on Halloween

Halloween is right around the corner.  You might be excited about all the fun activities surrounding the event, but have you considered how to keep your furry friend safe? Don’t let the festivities distract you from protecting your pet.  Keep reading to learn how you can enjoy Halloween while ensuring the safety of your pooch.

Fireworks and Your Pet

Image: dog watching fireworks through window.

The Fourth of July is a wonderful time for family, friends, celebrations and fun, but it is also the day more pets are lost than any other day of the year. The loud noises, bustling home environments, and many foreign objects that come with these events can cause problems for our pets at home. Luckily there are a few steps we can take to make sure everyone in the household has a safe and enjoyable Fourth of July!

Preparing for a Hurricane with Your Pet

Hurricane season is here, and as pet owners, we need to make sure we are prepared for hurricane season as effectively as possible! In order to help here are some helpful tips to make sure you and your fur friends will be safe as possible during this time.

Six Tips to Keep Your Pets Cool This Summer

As the summer fast approaches, it’s time to start preparing yourself, and your pets, for ways to keep cool and happy as temperatures soar. Florida’s summers can easily reach 100F at the hottest part of the day, with a humidity to match. These six tips will keep your dog safe and comfortable.

Music for the Pets

Ever wonder why noises make your pet anxious? Long periods of silence means that your pet may become sensitive to any noise.  Here are some tips for using music to help your pets stay calm and happy.