The Savvy Sitter

Florida Wildlife & Your Pet: Alligators & Crocodiles

There are over 1 million Alligators that live in the lakes, swamps, rivers, ponds, canals and sometimes swimming pools in the State of Florida. We additionally have Crocodiles in South Florida as well. Chances are VERY good that there is one or more alligators in the water you just don’t see them, but they are there.

Keep reading to learn more about how you and your pet can stay safe.

Preparing for a Hurricane with Your Pet

Hurricane season is here, and as pet owners, we need to make sure we are prepared for hurricane season as effectively as possible! In order to help here are some helpful tips to make sure you and your fur friends will be safe as possible during this time.

Six Tips to Keep Your Pets Cool This Summer

As the summer fast approaches, it’s time to start preparing yourself, and your pets, for ways to keep cool and happy as temperatures soar. Florida’s summers can easily reach 100F at the hottest part of the day, with a humidity to match. These six tips will keep your dog safe and comfortable.

Music for the Pets

Ever wonder why noises make your pet anxious? Long periods of silence means that your pet may become sensitive to any noise.  Here are some tips for using music to help your pets stay calm and happy.