Top Quiet Activities for Pets After Surgery
Think it will be impossible to keep your pet calm and entertained after surgery? Think again.
We are going to share some ideas for keeping boredom at bay. These ideas require little to no activity, so they are perfect for pets that are recovering from major operations.
Read on to learn more!
Give Your Pet a Change of Scenery
During the initial stage of the recovery process, your furry friend might be confined to a crate or exercise pen. That can get old pretty quick.
But changing the scenery can help alleviate your pet’s boredom. For example, you can move the crate to a different part of your home. Or you can change the exercise pen’s surroundings.

Snuggle on the Couch
Your fur baby probably loves spending time with you. And you enjoy those precious bonding moments just as much.
So, why not give your pet some extra snuggles during the recovery process? You can watch a movie together, read a book, or just chill out and enjoy each other’s company.
This special time will definitely keep your beloved pet happy.
Treat Your Pet to a Massage
Keeping your pet calm is vital during the rehabilitation process. It’s also important to help your pet recover as quickly as possible.
You can accomplish both of those goals by giving your pet a well-deserved massage. This will lift your pet’s spirits, promote recovery, and keep your furball calm.
Not sure how to massage your pet? Don’t fret. Just read about it here. Or you could ask your veterinarian for guidance.
Work on Training Your Pet

As your four-legged friend begins to feel better, it may get harder to keep your pet from moving too much.
The solution?
Keeping your pet mentally stimulated.
Low-activity training sessions are perfect for this because they prevent boredom without risking too much movement.
Get started by reviewing the commands and tricks your pet already knows. Then start teaching your pet some new tricks.
Just be sure you aren’t asking your pet to do anything too active, like agility or herding. Those types of activities must wait until your pet has fully recovered.
Play Low-Activity Games with Your Pet
Just because your pet can’t run and jump doesn’t mean the two of you can’t have fun together. It turns out, there are lots of games that don’t require much action. Instead, they work your pet’s brain.
Here are some of those games:
- Name Game – Teach your pet the names of its toys. You can learn how at the AKC website.
- Cup Game – Your pet will love this game! All you have to do is place a few cups on the ground and hide a treat under one of those cups. It’s your dog’s job to pick the cup that has the treat. Learn more about this game at the PDSA website.
- Which Hand – For this game, your pet must choose which hand you are holding the treat in. It’s a lot of fun for pets and their owners. Watch this video to see how this game is played.
Give Your Pet a Food Dispensing Toy
Food dispensing toys require pets to figure out how to access the treats they contain. These toys are great for keeping pets entertained.
But with all the options on the market, choosing a toy can be overwhelming. Here are some good choices to get you started:
- The Kong – You can’t go wrong with this popular toy.
- Paw 5 Wooly Snuffle Mat – This mat is easy to fill and works your dog’s nose and brain.
- Nino Ottosson by Outward Hound – Another fun toy that keeps pets stimulated.
No matter what toy you get, be sure to keep track of how many calories your pet consumes. You don’t want your furry friend to gain weight while recovering from surgery.
Push Your Pet in a Stroller
Getting outside will go a long way towards helping your pet cope with the monotony of the recovery process. But your pet probably isn’t ready to take a walk just yet.
So, what can you do?
Get a pet stroller and push your fur baby around the block. The fresh air and change of scenery will work wonders by preventing boredom and raising your pet’s spirits.
Both of you will feel so much better after being outside.

In Conclusion
Sure, it may be challenging to keep pets calm and entertained while recovering from surgery. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be done.
Just use the ideas in this article to keep your pet’s boredom at bay. All of these ideas will make the time pass more quickly while preventing too much activity.
And that’s exactly what your pet needs during the rehabilitation process.
About the Author:
Savanna Westwood
Savanna Westwood is the Owner and Founder of The Savvy Sitter, Pet Sitting and Dog Walking, LLC. She has grown up with animals all her life and enjoys spending time with them. Savanna has lived in the Winter Garden and Windermere Area for over 30 years. When she is not taking care of Fur Friends, one can find her reading, practicing archery, riding, and devising ways to provide additional and excellent services to clients. Savanna is a Certified Professional Pet Sitter with Pet Sitter International's CPPS certification and also holds certification in Pet First Aid and CPCR for Pet-Care Professionals.