How to Remove Pet Hair From Furniture?
Pet hair is a big problem in many households, especially in people who have both dogs and cats at home. This can be made a lot worse if you have leather or fabric furniture, and definitely, if you have carpet. If you have pets, then you’ll likely have pet hair on your floor and furniture. This is not just a cosmetic problem, but one that can make your home less attractive to visitors and create a bad impression. This blog will look at how to remove pet hair from your furniture and floor.

How To Remove Pet Hair From Your Furniture And Floor?
Lint Roller
Lint rollers are an inexpensive and very simple cleaning tool that removes small particles of fuzz or debris from clothes or furniture. The problem is that many of them don’t work well with certain fabrics or textures, like the kind of things you might need to remove if you have a pet cat or dog. A good example is Siamese cats and Doberman dogs, which both have long fur that can get tangled up in clothes easily.
Cats especially seem to cause people problems because they enjoy kneading on cloth items like couches, leaving behind a bunch of loose hairs as part of their “groom routine”. It becomes even more difficult when trying to remove this type of lint from clothing made from materials like nylon and polyester because the fibers in these materials kind of grab onto the hair itself. This can make extracting all the pet hairs something that feels impossible after just one attempt.
Wet Cloth
This method is suitable for cleaning heavier surfaces and can apply to a nice piece of furniture or the upholstery in your car, but it isn’t the best option for delicate clothing like sweaters. Take a clean slightly damp cloth to gently wipe the surface of your furniture or car seats. Once done, collect all excess dirt and hair into a pile before vacuuming for a truly pleasant end result!
Use a Fabric Softener
Start with a fabric softener sheet. Rather than going in for vacuuming or another extracting method when pet hair picks up, try to use one of these first before diving into the deep end. It could save you a lot of frustration and time on some days. When cleaning a surface affected by pet hair, dampen it with a light spritz of water and a splash of fabric softener to get you started along the right track to cleaning things off properly.

Tape Glove
Tape is best used to remove excess pet hair from curtains, couch cushions, and clothing. It’s easy to do when you have a long stretch of tape that has strong glue but will also come off cleanly without leaving any residue on the fabric.
The best type of tape is masking tape as it’s the strongest and easiest to let go of without causing any damage. When using masking tape on curtains, we recommend covering the sticky side with a piece of gaffer tape (which won’t leave any residue) before attaching it to the curtain so that it doesn’t stick to itself and rip the curtain material.
Rubber or Rubber Glove
It’s always good to take precautions when you’re cleaning pet hair from fabric as it can most definitely get everywhere. Rubber gloves are a great way to avoid possibly getting that pesky pet fur embedded in your skin and furniture. Rubber gets out short hairs even on knits that are typically difficult to clean and that are tightly woven fabrics especially. You should replace the rubber gloves every time they get dirty so the cleanliness of them stays in the best shape possible.

Vacuum Cleaner
A vacuum cleaner is a really smart thing to have around the house. Even if you’re only dealing with a small space, it’s still possible that you’ll end up needing one at some point while living there, so it’s best to have one then and there.
Wet/Dry vacuums in particular are pretty indispensable. Nowadays, they’re not just used for cleaning up after pet’s hair or tidying up from dinner dates. You can use them for pretty much anything and when you live in an apartment with hardwood floors, all the more reason for having immediate access to one of these things.
Hair Spray
These products are a godsend to pet owners. They make it a lot easier to take care of all the hair that sheds onto our clothes and furniture. Spray the anti-shedding product directly onto your pet, wait for it to dry completely, then brush out and find hairballs where before there was only fur.

Dry Cleaning Sponge
Instead of using the dry cloth to clean your pet hair off the sofa or your clothes, take a dry sponge instead. The idea is rather than lifting pet hair off the fabric with your hands, try wiping it out by hand with a dry sponge to make it easier to prevent it from spreading.
This will work best for cleaning areas such as clothing or upholstered furniture where you may need to wipe some hard-to-reach corners and crevices. After you’ve applied the dry sponge to your clean surface, just go over it with a moistened cloth! This handy hack pulls out pet hair with ease.
Soft Cloth and Furniture Polish
If you find yourself constantly picking pet hair off your furniture and tossing it into the trash bin, we’ve got the perfect solution! All you need to do is take a small bottle of anti-static dusting spray (usually found in electronic stores next to other computer accessories) and spray away! Because most types of pet hair are static-prone, that means that there will be an electric charge attached to them.
When this is combined with other materials, such as your carpet, for example, they tend to remain static. But when you spray the anti-static dusting spray on top of these hairs, anything charged will lose its ability to stay stuck — so they’ll slide right off wood and into a garbage can!
Pet hair is a common problem for many pet owners. Unless you have a housekeeper who comes in to clean your home every day, it can be difficult to keep up with. However, whether you have a pet or not, it is important to clean pet hair from your furniture and floor.