This blog post is a guest contribution and reflects the views of the author. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it is important for readers to do their own research and consult with their pet's veterinarian for personalized advice and care. The information provided here is not a substitute for professional veterinary guidance.
Getting and Staying Organized with Savanna - The Savvy Sitter

Getting and Staying Organized with Savanna

Podcast credit to Pet Sitter Confessional: A podcast by pet sitters, for pet sitters. 

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Now is an excellent time to work on getting and staying organized. Professional organizer and pet sitter Savanna Westwood, the Savvy Sitter, joins us for a breakdown of simple actions we can be working on right now. She also addresses some listener questions on time management and many other topics.

Topics in this episode:

  • Organization Stats
  • What is an organizer
  • How to BE organized
  • Getting your car organized
  • Getting your clients organized
  • Listener Questions!
  • Recommended resources

Main take away? Getting, and staying, organized doesn’t have to be a monumental effort. Small, simple steps go a long way to getting us on a better path.

Links for this episode:



Savanna’s client checklist

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