The Savvy Sitter

You Should Use These 10 Tips to Go Green with Pet Care


Many of us are concerned about the environment, which has prompted a massive movement towards sustainability and environmental responsibility.  Even pet owners are finding ways to go green with pet care.  Keep reading to learn ten different ways to go green while caring for your pet.

1.) Buy Pet Food That Contains Sustainable Ingredients

Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) supply many different pet food brands with animal byproducts.  CAFOs are bad for the planet because they:

  • Are a major cause of pollution;
  • Are in favor of using pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, and genetically engineered crops;
  • Treat animals inhumanely.

Find pet food brands that use sustainable, organic, real food ingredients that are not subjected to antibiotics or hormones.  Not only is this better for the environment, but it’s also better for your pet’s health.   

2.) Use Biodegradable Poop Bags

Plastic bags keep your dog’s waste sitting in a landfill.  You can prevent this by using biodegradable bags.

If you don’t want to pay for bags, buy a metal scooper to pick up your dog’s waste and throw it into the toilet, where it can be flushed away.  No bags necessary!

3.)  Avoid Clumping Cat Litter

Although clumping cat litter might be easier to scoop up, it’s not healthy for your feline or the environment.  Clumping litters are made of bentonite clay that is derived from strip mining, a practice that harms the environment.

The health dangers associated with this litter include:

  • Carcinogenic silica dust that covers your cat’s lungs;
  • Poisoning caused by excessive consumption through grooming;
  • Internal clogging.

Look for better options and choose cat litter that is made of:

  • GMO-free corn
  • Renewable wheat crops
  • Wood shavings
  • Recycled newspaper

4.)  Give Your Pet Homemade Toys

Rather than buying new toys, reuse items around your home to entertain your pet.  Here are a few homemade dog toy ideas:

  • Plastic water bottle wrapped in a sock;
  • Cereal box filled with dog treats;
  • Knotted towel for your dog to chew on.

Here are some homemade kitty toys:

  • Toilet paper rolls;
  • Cardboard boxes to play in;
  • Crumpled up wad of paper for your cat to hit around.

5.)  Purchase Natural Pet Care Products

Pet care products can be just as toxic and harmful to the environment as our own.  Look for natural pet care products that use organic, sustainable ingredients.  Be sure to read the ingredient list before purchasing a product.

6.)  Compost Pet Waste

Instead of throwing your pet’s waste in the trash, put it to good use by composting it.  But don’t add pet waste to compost that will be used on edible plants. Just create a new pile of compost dedicated solely to your non-edible plants.

You can store the waste in an old garbage bin.  Bury the garbage bin underground.  Alternatively, you can buy a compost bin created specifically for pet waste.  This type of product sits underground and breaks up the waste while eradicating the smell.

The decomposition process will take at least 18 months. But once your pet’s waste has fully decomposed it will provide ample nutrition for your trees, shrubs, and flowers.

7.)  Buy in Bulk

Limiting your trips to the pet store will decrease air pollution because you will be using your car less frequently.  You can cut back on your store trips by purchasing pet care supplies in bulk. 

8.)  Look for Recycled Materials When Shopping

Support the environment by purchasing products that are packaged in recycled materials, such as biodegradable cardboard or recycled paper. 

If pet owners buy more products from sustainable, environmentally conscious companies, our demand for greater responsibility will become stronger.  This will cause more pet care companies to use sustainable materials when packaging their products.     

9.)  Don’t Throw Out Used Pet Care Supplies

Does your pet have any toys, blankets, beds, or other pet care items that sit around unused?  Don’t just toss them out!  Extend their use by donating them to your local animal shelter. 

Taking this action will be a big help to both animals and the environment.  That ought to make you feel good!

10.)  Don’t Buy More Than You Need

Pets are simple.  Although some pet care supplies are essential, meeting your pet’s needs doesn’t require a plethora of products. So, don’t fall for marketing ploys that try to convince you that your fur baby can’t live without the latest and greatest products.

Be wise when deciding what to buy for your pet.  Your four-legged friend might not need as much as you think.

If you begin taking the actions listed in this article, you will make a positive impact on the planet.  Remember, every little step helps. 

About the Author:

Savanna Westwood

Savanna Westwood is the Owner and Founder of The Savvy Sitter, Pet Sitting and Dog Walking, LLC. She has grown up with animals all her life and enjoys spending time with them. Savanna has lived in the Winter Garden and Windermere Area for over 30 years. When she is not taking care of Fur Friends, one can find her reading, practicing archery, riding, and devising ways to provide additional and excellent services to clients.  Savanna is a Certified Professional Pet Sitter with Pet Sitter International's CPPS certification and also holds certification in Pet First Aid and CPCR for Pet-Care Professionals.