The Savvy Sitter

Tipping in the Pet Service Industry

Tipping is often found in the service industry, sometimes it is expected and other times it is not, but it is always a sign of showing appreciation for good service. Often the amount of the tip can vary and depends on several ranging factors, including the circumstances, the service itself, or even the location. Tipping can be used to show appreciation for good service or as a thank you. As a Pet Care Provider, I get asked should we tip the Sitter, Dog Walker, or Groomer? How Much? Is it Appropriate?
As a whole, Pet Care Providers are often never expected to be tipped, but it is nice when it happens!
However, if you answer YES to any of these questions, then you probably should.

Who are Pet Care Providers?

  • Pet Groomers
  • Dog Walkers
  • Pet Sitters


  • Did they recently provide service to you last-minute or during an emergency?
  • Provide an additional service or accommodate a special request? (i.e picking up extra food, running a personal errand)
  • Did they notice something wrong with your home and oversaw or arranged a repair? (i.e A/C Unit was broken, Tire was flat)
  • Did they go above and beyond your expectation for service?
  • Was the Pet being difficult, requiring extra time or emergency care?


  • How Long has this Pet Care Provider serviced you?
    • Have you continued or consistently used service for more than three months?
    • Have they provided service to you for more than 1 year?
    • Do they serve you on a weekly and consistent basis?

When should I Tip them?

  • Around the Holidays
  • After a Long Scheduled Service of One Week or More
  • After a Last Minute or Emergency Visit

How much?

  • 10%-25% of their Fee or $5.00- $20.00
  • A Yearly Bonus should be considered for Long Term Walkers
    • Amount Paid for 1 Week of Service

Other Ways of Tipping, Gifting and Supporting Your Pet Care Provider

  • Leaving well-written, positive online reviews on major platforms such as Google, Facebook,  Yelp,  or Nextdoor is a huge help to small businesses.
  • Commenting or Liking Social Media Posts.
  • Thank You Cards are some of the most meaningful and heartfelt things to receive.
  • Gift Cards for Coffee, Lunch, or Gas.
  • Professional Pet Sitter Appreciation Week is the First Full Week of March.

Your Pet Care Provider would appreciate any tip or gift you can afford to leave and is a perfect way to ensure that you and your pet will be well looked after in the future. They would probably have an even better service and last-minute requests accepted in the future when the Pet Care Provider feels valued.

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