The Savvy Sitter

5 Puppy Care Facts You Might Not Know

There’s always something new to learn about puppy care.  That’s why we are going to share some important facts on this topic that you might not be aware of.  Let’s dive right in!

Fatigue Makes Your Puppy Feel Cranky

When puppies are 2-3 months old they require about 18-20 hours of sleep per day.  If your fur baby doesn’t get enough time to snooze, behavioral issues can result.  

You might notice that your puppy gets hyper.  Or maybe your pooch becomes a grouch.  Anxiety, nerves, excessive barking, and nipping are other possible outcomes of sleep deprivation.

You can prevent all of those unwanted behaviors by making sure your puppy gets enough rest each day.  This will require keeping your canine on a regular sleeping and napping routine.  

Whether your puppy is going down for the night or curling up for an afternoon nap, provide your pooch with a designated sleeping area.  Your best option is to use a crate, but any quiet location that allows your pup to doze in peace will work.  

Never disrupt your puppy’s rest unless absolutely necessary.  Make sure everyone else in your home does the same.      

Petting Your Puppy Benefits Both of You


Pets are very therapeutic for people.  But did you know that you can return those benefits to your puppy?

It’s true!  Whenever you pet your furball, your puppy’s “feel good” hormones are released.  That’s why it’s so important to give your puppy enough attention each day.    

But first, make sure you know how your dog wants to be pet.  Many puppies enjoy being stroked on the:

  • Chest
  • Shoulder
  • Base of the tail

Most dogs don’t appreciate being pet on the:

  • Ears
  • Paws
  • Top of the tail
  • Top of the head
  • Nose
  • Belly

Remember, every dog is different.  Each one has its own, unique preferences. As you get to know your puppy better, you will find out where your dog loves to be rubbed.  

Your Puppy Can Get Jealous

Just like people, dogs can feel jealous.  This was proven in a University of California study that was conducted in San Diego.  The participating canines indicated their jealousy when their owners showed more attention to stuffed dogs.  

In this study, 36 dogs and their owners were recorded in their homes.  While being recorded, the owners gave their attention to stuffed dogs, books, and plastic jack-o-lanterns.  

The dogs didn’t seem to mind when their owners read the books or looked at the jack-o-lanterns.  But those same dogs became jealous when their owners interacted with the fake dogs. 

If the study’s results are accurate, that means your puppy has the emotional capacity to feel jealous.  Keep that jealousy at bay by making sure your puppy feels loved.    

That doesn’t mean you should spoil your pet.  It just means that you should spend time with your pup every day.  

Trimming Your Puppy’s Toenails is Important  

There’s more to grooming than brushing your dog’s coat.  You also need to trim your four-legged friend’s toenails on a regular basis.

If your dog regularly walks on hard, outdoor surfaces this might not be necessary because those surfaces will wear down the nails.  But most puppies walk on softer areas, like grass and carpet.  

In those cases, toenail trimming must be included in the grooming routine.  Neglecting this task will cause your puppy’s toenails to get too long, possibly leading to other problems.      

For example, long nails are more susceptible to getting caught and torn.  If that happens, your puppy’s foot could get injured and require veterinary care.    

Longer nails can also cause discomfort while walking.  In an effort to avoid that discomfort, your puppy might start walking abnormally.  

This change in gait will add more weight to the nail bed while altering the natural alignment between the toe and paw joints.

A Healthy Weight is Crucial 

Did you know that obesity has become a major epidemic amongst our beloved pets?  Don’t let your puppy become one of many who grow up to be obese.  

Here are some tips for preventing excessive weight gain:

  • Talk to your veterinarian about your puppy’s diet.  Your veterinarian will help you determine the right-sized portions.  
  • Don’t give in when your puppy begs for table scraps or extra dog food.
  • Limit your puppy’s treats to prevent your dog from consuming too many calories.   
  • Provide your puppy with plenty of exercise. 

The helpful information you’ve learned from this article will enable you to provide your puppy with the best care possible.  And that will make your precious pup very happy!

About the Author:

Savanna Westwood

Savanna Westwood is the Owner and Founder of The Savvy Sitter, Pet Sitting and Dog Walking, LLC. She has grown up with animals all her life and enjoys spending time with them. Savanna has lived in the Winter Garden and Windermere Area for over 30 years. When she is not taking care of Fur Friends, one can find her reading, practicing archery, riding, and devising ways to provide additional and excellent services to clients.  Savanna is a Certified Professional Pet Sitter with Pet Sitter International's CPPS certification and also holds certification in Pet First Aid and CPCR for Pet-Care Professionals.