Do You Know These Kitten Care Facts?
If you want to learn more about kitten care, this article is for you. It’s got some great kitten care facts you might not already know. Ready? Let’s go!

Kittens Need Lots of Sleep
The average kitten sleeps about 18 hours per day. While that may seem excessive, those extra hours are crucial for proper growth and development.
So, don’t feel guilty about letting your kitty sleep. It’s actually healthy for your little fur baby.
And although there’s no need to obsessively track how many hours your kitten sleeps, you should provide a quiet place for dozing off. This will make it possible for your kitty to curl up and rest whenever needed.

Kittens Can Fit into Tiny Spaces
Why are kittens so cute? Partly because of their small size. But that small size enables them to squeeze into some pretty tight spaces.
You can protect your cat from those tiny spaces by kitten proofing your home. This involves going through every room and looking for small areas that could pose a risk to your kitten. Once you find them, block them off from your feline.
Spaying and Neutering is More Important Than You Realize
According to the ASPCA, approximately 860,000 cats are euthanized per year. What a tragically high number!
Here’s another sad statistic. National Geographic says, “Some feline experts now estimate 70 million feral cats live in the United States, the consequence of little effort to control the population and of the cat’s ability to reproduce quickly.”
Clearly, we need to do something to bring those numbers down. But what?
Spay or neuter our cats!
This will reduce the number of cats that can’t find good homes and end up being euthanized in shelters.
Check out these other benefits of spaying and neutering:
- Neutering eliminates a male cat’s urge to roam, spray urine, and fight other felines.
- Spaying keeps a female cat from going into heat.
The ASPA recommends carrying out this procedure when kittens are eight weeks old. Be sure to talk with your veterinarian to learn more about it.
Cats Only Meow at People
Here’s an interesting fact. Young kittens meow at their mothers but as they grow older, they only meow at people.
If you can understand what your kitten’s meows mean you can understand what your furry friend is saying. And that will help you take better care of your kitten.
Here are some examples of what your cat’s meows might mean:
- Hello – Cats who crave company often greet their owners with a welcome meow.
- Give Me Attention – If your kitty wants some extra love, you will know it! Your cat will probably start meowing at you.
- I’m Hungry – Your cat might start meowing right around dinner and breakfast to let you know it’s time to eat.
- I Want Something – That something could be going outside, playing with a toy, or anything else your kitty’s heart desires.
You Can Use Catnip to Train Your Feline

Many kitties go crazy for catnip. If that sounds like your kitten, use it to your advantage.
How? By incorporating catnip into your training strategy.
When you first bring your kitten home, your four-legged friend still has so much to learn. And guess what? It’s your job to train your kitten how to behave.
Using training aids, like catnip, can make that job much easier to accomplish.
Check out the list below to get a few ideas for how you can use catnip:
- All cats need to scratch. But that doesn’t mean you have to let your furniture go to shreds. Redirect your kitten’s scratching away from your possessions by rubbing catnip into a cat scratcher.
- Help your kitten become more comfortable with other people by using catnip as a reward. When your cat successfully interacts with a new person, bring out the catnip treats!
- Place catnip inside the carrier to entice your kitten to step in. This will also cause your cat to associate the carrier with pleasure.
We should point out that your kitten might stop responding to catnip if you use it too often. So, don’t use catnip on a daily basis.
And remember, not all felines respond to catnip. Some simply don’t care for it at all.
But if your kitten loves it and it’s used in moderation, catnip can be a highly effective training aid.
What do you think about the kitten care facts listed in this article? Hopefully, you are ready to apply them. They will help you take excellent care of you kitty!
About the Author:
Savanna Westwood
Savanna Westwood is the Owner and Founder of The Savvy Sitter, Pet Sitting and Dog Walking, LLC. She has grown up with animals all her life and enjoys spending time with them. Savanna has lived in the Winter Garden and Windermere Area for over 30 years. When she is not taking care of Fur Friends, one can find her reading, practicing archery, riding, and devising ways to provide additional and excellent services to clients. Savanna is a Certified Professional Pet Sitter with Pet Sitter International's CPPS certification and also holds certification in Pet First Aid and CPCR for Pet-Care Professionals.